[Workshop] 2024 EMI Workshop

  • 2023-12-29
  • Yang

2024 EMI Workshop 英文授課教師培訓工作坊

 日期 Date: 15th to 19th, January, 2024

 時間 Time: 9:00 to 12:00 & 13:30 to 16:30

 地點 Venue: Asia Lecture Hall (A115), Asia University

 講者 Speaker:
香港科技大學語言中心講師Ka Long Roy Chan博士
Dr. Ka Long Roy Chan, lecturer, Center for Language Education, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dr. CHAN Ka Long Roy is a Lecturer at the Centre for Language Education of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. (Applied English Linguistics) in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his M.A. (International Language Education) in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His recent book chapters appeared in Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom (Roultledge) and Trends and Developments for the Future of Language Education in Higher Education (IGI Global). His recent journal articles also appeared in English World-Wide, Linguistic Research, and Journal of Universal Language. His research interests include Hong Kong English, code-switching, and teacher education. 

 Workshop Schedule 

Monday 15th Jan
Tuesday 16th Jan
Wednesday 17th Jan
Thursday 18th Jan
Friday 19th Jan
0900 - 1200
The purpose of the EMI Workshop

Pronunciation Teaching in EMI Then and Now

Teachers’ perspectives in EMI Pronunciation Teaching
Phonetics and Phonology for EMI Pronunciation Teaching

Analyzing Students’ Speech
An Intelligibility-based pronunciation Teaching Approach**

Elements in Implementing an intelligibility-based pronunciation Teaching:
A need analysis
Designing activity for pronunciation teaching related to GenAI
Practicum 2:
Mini-lectures given by participants and feedback
1200 - 1330
Lunch Break
1330 - 1630
World Englishes and Pronunciation Teaching

Pronunciation in Hong Kong

Analyzing Students’ Speech
Pronunciation Teaching in Practice

Designing an EMI pronunciation activity
 Creative Design of pronunciation teaching in EMI context under the influence of GenAI

Practicum 1:
Mini-lectures given by participants and feedback
Consolidation to the Workshop***

Closing and certification award ceremony will start at 16:00.
*Pre-course Learning Journal/ Reflection
**Mid-course Learning Reflection
***End-of-course Learning Reflection

 報名連結 Registration

主辦單位 Organizers: 語文教學研究發展中心、EMI推動資源辦公室 Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, EMI Promotion Office
協辦單位 Co-organizer: 亞洲大學管理學院 College of Management